R&D projects

“…at the end, the success of each project is the result of the skills and the dedication of the people working on it”

Guglielmo Marconi, December 2nd 1932
The father of wireless, who has changed our world.

POLOMARCONI.IT’s values are know-how and intellectual property. These values are the foundation of the company’s ideals to preserve the knowledge and to position the company on the market.

POLOMARCONI.IT sustains the OPEN INNOVATION to increase its know-how, which allows us to stay competitive with every new product.

In addition to the internal investment for instrumentation and professional development, POLOMARCONI.IT completes its experience and competences with prestigious external collaborators.

Over half of POLOMARCONI.IT’s staff is composed of specialized engineers and skilled technicians that are dedicated to the Research and Development department to achieve better performances and reduce the volume without any compromise in the efficiency.

In the branch office in Bergamo, near the factory plant, there are the lab and the environmental facilities. In these structures, POLOMARCONI.IT’s activities are oriented to design, simulation, measurements and stress tests, according to the clients’ requests.

Thanks to years of know-how and experience, POLOMARCONI.IT can satisfy the customers with high-performance products that make the company a point of reference in the market.

The lab and test facilities are divided into three big areas: antennas, filters and combiners, PCB and Software development. In these areas, there is the most advanced instrumentation including VNA, spectrum analysers, power and intermodulation test bench, the anechoic chamber. Moreover, the engineers design with the latest EM and CAD/CAE simulations software.

The laboratory is also equipped with fast prototype machines like milling and lathe CNC for metals and a 3D printer for the polymer components.

Each design, according to the client’s request, is subjected to different resistance tests like temperature, humidity, pressure, salt spray resistance, shock, etc. With these tests, the production will receive the maximum reliability on the design, even for products intended for extreme environmental conditions.

In 2018, POLOMARCONI.IT’s shareholders had the intuition to invest in a new high-tech telecommunication center. This center is dedicated to special projects and to exploring the new frontier of telecommunication products. Within this research-enterprise context, all the knowledge and expertise of over 25 years are reinforced in all fields thanks to the cooperation with international research centers like Fondazione Bruno Kessler, University of Trento, Politecnico of Torino, and University of Ferrara.

In Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler hosts the new research and development center of POLOMARCONI.IT. In these offices, there are the most advanced tools and chambers that allow the development of next-generation communication technologies. Network telecommunication solutions, 4.0 and 5.0 industry, automation, robotics, 5G technologies, internet of things and new software platforms are the daily commissions of this research center.

The R&D activities in Trento are focused on feasibility analysis, design, development, and realization of wireless systems. Trento’s team is constantly in contact with scientists and researchers to increase the knowledge and experience in each project.

Moreover, POLOMARCONI.IT has established a scientific committee with the aim to guide the commissioned or funded projects by promoting open innovation within conferences to the international operators in the telecommunication market.


R&D projects


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